Actiris – Accompaniment to the operationalization of the new strategic plan of international relations

This mission consists in supporting Actiris’ International Relations Unit (IRC) in the operationalization and achievement of the objectives set by the new strategic plan for international relations, using innovative methods and tools. It has four objectives:

  • Support the international relations unit in the creation of a structure and internal tools allowing better synergies in international issues;
  • Support the implementation of innovative capitalization tools of international good practices, in order to to encourage the various Actiris management teams to systematically use international benchmarking in their innovation processes;
  • Support the creation, in consultation with other Belgian public employment services such as the VDAB and FOREM, of a « pool of ‘mutualised experts’ responsible for providing expertise in international technical cooperation projects in the employment sector;
  • Support the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system, adapted to the specific obligations of the ICC vis-à-vis the international networks in which it is active and in particular vis-à-vis the backers.

June to December 2018